woman reading book at desk
Leaders in the legal force
A retired professor of law and incoming law student discuss gender in the legal field

According to the American Bar Association’s report from April 2019, women make up 38% of the legal profession, make less money than their male counterparts on average and account for […]

Breaking Down Bars
Sociology course encourages collaboration between students and incarcerated people, creating an equal learning space

Nine pairs of feet step off the bus one-by-one, notebooks in tow. A tall fence looms before the group of University of Idaho students, with barbed wire curled around the […]

Documented and Afraid
UI students reflect on the impacts of negative rhetoric and a Trump presidency on immigration policies

Ashley Ayala remembers Nov. 8, 2016, with tears in her eyes. When Donald Trump announced his intention to run for president in the summer of 2015, Ayala said she and […]

Humans of Moscow: Danielle Solberg
A leader of Local Herbivores, Solberg discusses the benefits of going vegan

Danielle Solberg is a junior at the University of Idaho and a member of the Local Herbivores club. She said she made the decision to go vegan nearly a year […]