A newspaper on fire.
‘History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme’
From historians, psychologists and professors, we explore the question 'is this year the worst year?'

It’s mid-afternoon on Halloween and somebody in a Yoshi costume is running down Paradise Creek Street. They hurry through a line of tents spread all the way down the road […]

ASUI senator Dylanie Frazier shares her experience as a student away from campus.
Humans of Moscow
University of Idaho student Dylanie Frazier, reflects on her decision to stay home this school year

Dylanie Frazier has idiopathic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. The medication she is prescribed causes a compromised immune system, especially for respiratory diseases. This has led Frazier to make the cautious decision to […]

Tyler Moye standing in front of a map on the wall.
Lockdown abroad
UI students describe the pandemic's effects half a world away

Waking up on the morning of March 14 with 87 missed phone calls from her parents, Olive Swan, a current University of Idaho senior and my roommate in Lyon, France, […]

A close-up image of grass and the sunlight shining through it.
Color in darkness
Nature brings light to the world in a difficult time

Even while we are quarantined during a pandemic, it’s important to see the light and beauty that still exists in the world. This story was made for that. There’s a […]

A black & white image of the Boise capital building with flowers in front of it.
A right to vote
The importance of voting in 2020

In a nation of over 330 million people, it’s easy to feel like your vote is insignificant — like you don’t make a difference. However, after speaking with some politically […]