Get Outside!
A spotlight on University of Idaho’s Outdoor Program

Walk into the University of Idaho Outdoor Program and you’ll be greeted by floor-to-ceiling azure rafts, friendly and outdoorsy-looking people (usually wearing Blundstones, Birkenstocks or Chacos) and old-fashioned wooden skis […]

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A Look into the Granola Girl

What are the characteristics which define a “granola girl?” Is it unshaved armpits and legs? Wearing Birkenstocks or Chacos  all seasons of the year? Shopping exclusively in Patagonia? Depending on […]

Crystals and rocks at Gem State Crystals.
Idaho rockhounds dig up their experiences
Rockhounds of all levels share their experiences and advice about the hobby

Nathan Staley, a fourth-generation rock collector, descended from ancestors who worked in iron mines. As a kid growing up in Texas, he was drawn towards the dirt, often digging his […]

The Shot

We had just hiked from your family’s cabin, to the usual spot at Yellowdog Creek. Our stand was up an old pine tree, where we could look over the somber […]