A path in the arboretum surrounded by pine trees.
Missing Moscow
Many students will head home for months before returning--here's what they'll miss

As the University of Idaho transitions entirely to remote instruction after fall break, officials recommend students stay home until spring 2021.  While the campus will remain open, many will be […]

ASUI senator Dylanie Frazier shares her experience as a student away from campus.
Humans of Moscow
University of Idaho student Dylanie Frazier, reflects on her decision to stay home this school year

Dylanie Frazier has idiopathic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. The medication she is prescribed causes a compromised immune system, especially for respiratory diseases. This has led Frazier to make the cautious decision to […]

Take a load off, Vandals
UI students break down the hobbies they picked up while being cooped up

COVID-19 gave many University of Idaho students a really long, stressful spring break spanning from mid-March to mid-August. Students left campus and were met with quarantine, strange living situations, unemployment, […]