The 90s Are Taking Over Closets
How 90s nostalgic trends have grasped the next generation.

Paparazzi photos of Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are flooding the media and a new flip phone was announced by Samsung this August. Meanwhile, at the center of the internet, people have implemented 90s statements in […]

Flash Fiction: Caught in a Keepsake

EVAN AND ABBY, DO NOT OPEN UNTIL YOUR LAST SUMMER – OR ELSE!!!  LOVE, YOUR 10-YEAR-OLD SELVES  “That’s a bit ominous, don’t you think?” Evan said, wiping more dirt off the corners of our keepsake box. Years […]

University of Idaho students and alumni compare college experiences the ’90s and today
Though current students aren’t getting jiggy to as much Red-Hot Chili Peppers, there are shared experiences at the University of Idaho regardless of your graduating year.

1990s  University of Idaho student, Carlos Lantz was walking home from a fun-filled evening at The Garden Lounge, stumbling around through the dim lighting of the upper UI campus. A wave of curiosity swept over him as he […]