Flash Fiction: Caught in a Keepsake

EVAN AND ABBY, DO NOT OPEN UNTIL YOUR LAST SUMMER – OR ELSE!!!  LOVE, YOUR 10-YEAR-OLD SELVES  “That’s a bit ominous, don’t you think?” Evan said, wiping more dirt off the corners of our keepsake box. Years […]

A path in the arboretum surrounded by pine trees.
Missing Moscow
Many students will head home for months before returning--here's what they'll miss

As the University of Idaho transitions entirely to remote instruction after fall break, officials recommend students stay home until spring 2021.  While the campus will remain open, many will be […]

The goodbye hike

It was early Saturday morning, and Cree stayed in bed an extra hour. He didn’t want to stop feeling her warmth at his side. Then he was in the kitchen, brewing […]